Download and Install

This appendix shows where to get further documentation and how to install the software.


User documentation is available here:

Debian/Ubuntu Linux

You may install crystal-facet-uml by the following command:

sudo apt install crystal-facet-uml

If you instead manually download the .deb archive, you may e.g. invoke sudo dpkg --install <filename.deb> . Find the latest executable version of crystal-facet-uml at:

SuSE Linux

To install, type on the command line:

sudo zypper addrepo devel_tools_15.5
# or sudo zypper addrepo devel_tools_15.4
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install crystal-facet-uml

If you instead manually download the .rpm archive, you may e.g. invoke sudo zypper install <filename.rpm> . Check for rpm packages at:


Find the latest executable version of crystal-facet-uml at one of the following addresses:

Unpack the zip archive.

  • On windows, doubleclick on crystal-facet-uml.bat,

  • or using the wine emulation, call XDG_DATA_HOME=".\\share" wine64 bin/crystal-facet-uml.exe.

Build from Source

Find the latest source version of crystal-facet-uml at one of the following addresses:

Follow the instructions in /

Further Links

Static code analysis results are available here:

Test coverage report is available here:

Validate your XMI exports at:


License of crystal-facet-uml is Apache-2.0. Copyright 2016-2024 Andreas Warnke; Email-contact: cfu-at-andreaswarnke-dot-de